Stuck-up high, yet you see
nothing below
Only a half-sided view
Stuck up-high,yet feeling so
To see nothing in something
All because you are stuck up
high on that high-horse.
I never get to write down the things that I don’t like
or the things that get me really annoyed because of two reasons:1)what good
will it do venting out my frustrations in text?am hardly good at venting them
out in person
2) it’s very
hard to write down everything!!
Type 2 is the “it’s-all-about-me”
who are the really mean ones and can’t care less what you think just as long as
you accept that they are better than
There’s a high chance that as
you read the first type 1,you were asked yourself who broke my heart…but that’s
not the case .I am not speaking or writing out of spite,if I was then this
whole post would be a juicy soap opera waiting to unravel.
So why am I writing this
down,why should I choose to pick on proud people?The answer to that is easy,
it’s simply not nice!Am no saint and I know I brag too and maybe get boastful
at times,but my mama taught me never to hurt others with my words or actions
even when every nerve in your body wants to scream out something mean.
We can’t all be Mother
Teresa’s but reading her story that
captures her utter humility only makes
me question the times that I put myself up high on the high-horse of pride.
Am no psychologist,but I know people whose pride stems from their undying need
for attention and self-worth, meaning, they only boast about something in order
to ascertain their own self-worth.I know it’s rude to say this, but they only
blab out things so that others feel inferior to them. No wonder Facebook
statuses never make sense these days,everyone just needs to update about every
nitty-gritty event in their life as if it’s a competition.
Why make things
complicated when you can simply just live your life and believe that your worth
is something that no one else can measure and since you are God-made then you
are 100% worth it!
Pride cometh before
a fall.
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