I miss the old days when nothing was nothing,and
something was nothing.I miss the innocence of cluelessness and the wisdom of
simplicity.I miss the days when
everything was a mystery yet to be known and exciting to find out about.
A few days ago,
a normal conversation that was mostly a
complaint about how this year is quickly passing by and those dreaded end of semester exams
are just around the corner..the only optimistic thing about the conversation
was musing about the soon-to-be reality
of clearing four years of tertiary education…then the conversation took another gloomy turn as
we started talking about the job hunting period after school.( At this point in our conversation i was slowly realizing my very pessimistic side) What started out as a simple
conversation at lunch hour turned into a sneak preview of the future that lay
ahead…the jobs we wanted, the day we start to lying about our age,how many
kids we want ,when we want to get married, how to start our own business.It
was simply highlighting the events of a
to-do list for our future.Even though we all have our different paths and
aspirations for the future, it was clear that the common factor there was the
passing of time. The most interesting part of our conversations was when
someone started plotting a plan for hiding her age once the ‘time’ reaches.It didn't come as a shock to me because it’s a known fact that most women lie
about their ages, what was shocking (to everyone else) was that I couldn’t wait
to get older!! I CAN’T WAIT for the day I will be happily saying am 30 and I won’t care about it!! I will be the
proudest 30 year old woman if I have to!
There’s something about getting older that appeals to me, maybe it has
its roots in my last born syndrome for
always wanting to be like my elder siblings, have a mature conversation without holding back your
tongue because everyone will think of you as young and foolish…
you can hold me against my word in the next 10 years when I will be 31(yes, I
said it my future actual age) I know I won’t change mind.
But that’s not the reason why I wrote this post, I
wrote this down when I couldn’t concentrate on revising for a paper because my
head couldn’t take in any more
information and all I wanted was to release something from my brain…I needed a
mental break.I started thinking about little kids and how envious I am of their
sweet little innocent lives…they don’t have to think of some philosophy paper
or database terms like the ones that got jumbled up in my head a few days ago..their minds are
practically blank!! Simplicity at its best, i don’t remember being that blank or
clueless but I can only imagine how easy life is for them…the only
contradiction to my story of envy is that I would give nothing to go back to
those days..nothing! Like I stated before, I want to grow old.. I want to
increase in age, I want to be 30,40,50,60,70,80, and God help me 100!! So with
this dilemma of wanting to grow old yet wanting to be cluelessly young and
foolish, I decided that all I can do is take what I have but still remain a
little clueless at times…it will sound so cliché ,but I know better than to
rush into growing up.Life is interesting,whether old or young…(age ain’t
nothing but a number!!)
I have 4 exam
papers left and all I can say is all the best to everyone in the same situation
as me… some things don't last forever,especially exams.
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