Nothing kills me more softly than saying goodbye. There's nothing good in goodbye, and there never will be. It's my humble request to revise this English word. It's easy to say goodbye but the feeling that comes with it is a like a slow blow to the heart. I may be exaggerating the description, but truth be told, saying goodbye is hard for me.
Case in point, 8 years ago, I began a tradition that I thought would make this heart of mine tough enough to withstand the pains of goodbye. I could never stand the thought of saying goodbye to my sister at the airport. I was always the one person left behind at home while everyone else escorted her. The sight of seeing her climb up the boarding stairs made the goodbye more real!! She was leaving me!!! In retrospect, my actions didn't make sense because I still said my goodbye at home. Lucky for me, no one bothered with my decision to stay.
BooHoo!! I'm all grown up now and I wish I had been there till the very last minute waving her off. Not because goodbyes are now easier to say, but because I've learnt the secret to turn a good-bye into a best-bye. With age comes a nagging sense of responsibility to rethink every action.
8 years down the line, I still hate saying goodbyes, yet 8 years down the line, I have learnt to love these goodbyes. I have learnt that in every bye, lies a reason to be thankful. I have learnt that in every bye, lies an opportunity to be hopeful. I have learnt that in every bye, lies a new season of life.
Each bye holds new meaning for me. A time to be thankful for opportunities, both new and old. A time to look forward to what lies ahead, through the good and bad, each bye holds new promise for something new in my life. However frequent the byes might be, I have learnt to appreciate each bye.
Disclaimer: Big girls do cry, sometimes.
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