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Feeling Frenchy...and inspired (Part 1)

L’avenir dépend de ce que vous faites aujourd'hui

I'm supposed to be writing an essay right now, yet here I am  typing away non-academically! Oh well, I'll consider this as practice. 

It's been a while since I got on here (life's still happening as usual), and my thoughts have stuck with me through a new yet familiar chapter of life. What would I do without them? And so today, after a long  pause, they nudged me to get it all out. So here we go, therapy in session.

"Hi, my name is Yvette and I'm a binge-watcher."

I unashamedly admit that and openly thank the Netflix account that's been there for me with my regular fix of binge-worthy shows. Now that it's out in public, let me proceed to flip this addiction into a life-lesson. 

I have a specific taste in shows, simple really. As long as it's entertaining, witty and/or funny with something I can learn from, I'm in! However, only recently have my Netflix suggestions failed to give me what I wanted and my browsing skills went into overdrive and I settled on an option I would only pick for non-entertainment purposes. A show with subtitles! Yes, subtitles. When it comes to any form of video, I prefer my ears to do most of the work. But there I was, settling for subtitles. In hindsight, I think my  choice was influenced by the need to brush up on my French (I do need to brush up on it).  Long-story short, I watched a whole season of a French show. Funny, romantic and with a title that screams  of a cliche millennial love story. A title I'm not too comfortable in revealing.

Overall it was an okay show; someone fell in love, someone had a baby, someone lost their job,someone got a job...all things that real-life people go through portrayed with an obvious ending. No plot twists, and there I was gulping it all up, all 8 episodes of it. I did learn a thing or two from one of the characters. Like I said, I will turn my addiction into something useful. My time is precious and I refuse to accept that TV is a fool's box. It can be educational if you know where to look. 

Back to my review; there was a character (extroverted) that I  personally couldn't identify with  but her story in the show got me thinking. She took on life when it came at her, and with a little help, used who she was to act the part and make something out of an opportunity with what she had at the time.

I was intrigued by this and the more I thought about it the more I wanted to write down this post. A post that has nothing to do with making dreams come true, but a post that sums up one of the mysteries of life called time; the past, present and future. Something we have no control over, yet to some extent we actually do. 

Come to think of it, people have been singing, writing and talking about it since the beginning of time😉.

"Time heals all wounds"  " A stitch in time..."  "Time and tide wait..."  "Time will tell"  "🎵time after time..,🎵"      "🎵hit me baby one more time.." 

It's everywhere!

Out of the numerous things said about time, Netflix reminded me of one that's been repeatedly used and makes more sense to me now more than ever before. Not just as a life lesson, but as an unwritten rule in understanding and possibly controlling  time. 

          " Your future depends on what you do today, so make it count"

I read this phrase  and it gives me hope. I read it and I want to believe in impossibilities. I read it and I believe  that a life of happiness is worth pursuing. I read it and my day is filled with meaning. I read it and all I can think about is the future that lies ahead for me.

Of course, the reality is  no human being can control time, only in sci-fi shows. Yet with this simple phrase, my mind believes that we do have a  time-control superpower that lies within. A God-given power that can control the future no matter how the past or present looks like.  

With that, and for the sake of time, this counts as my wrap-up for 2018 and to use my own words against me, I will paraphrase  "My 2019 depends on what I do each day, I have to make it count. God help me!"

See you in 2019. 


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