Find yourself in a quiet place
Step 2
Forget all you know, and just pray. One word, two words, you don't have to say much. Pray like a kid.
Pray about anything and everything. Let it all out.
Step 3
Look through the past. Never neglect who you were, how you began and especially, how far you've come. You started from somewhere, even though it seems like you're stuck in the same place.
Step 4
Lay out all your doubts and anxieties, overthink until your head can't take it anymore. Right at that point is when you get to step 5.
Step 5
All your thoughts slowly change to where, how and who you are right at this moment. You see the present. See where you are, how you are, and who you are NOW.
Are you the same? Has anything changed? Are you happy NOW? How do you feel about your life NOW? And pray some more. The only person worthy of listening to you, is the only one who can really help you. The one who put you here, in this moment, NOW. Again, this is the part where you pray like a kid. Tell God all you want, all your problems, but..don't forget to thank Him for being there, even when you didn't see it. Everything, everyone has a purpose, and He alone knows why things are as they are NOW.
Step 6
You won't get clarity, and you will definitely not know what lies ahead for you, even with prayer, we are left at the mercy of faith. Yes, faith. To hope and believe for what we prayed for, not knowing what will happen. You won't find yourself, but you will find something; your life's meaning.
Step 7
Here's the part where you get confused. You still haven't found your life's meaning. And each one of the above steps pretty much seems useless...
Step 8
There's only one meaning to life. We all have it, we all know it, but we all ignore it. Created by a loving Father, to love. Simple as that. Sure it does sound like mumbo jumbo picked right out of a self-help/self-love/inspiration book, but that's the simplicity in our complicated lives. All our actions, were meant to be done in love and for love. Easy to say, hardest to do.
Step 9
You're probably thinking what a waste of time this is, and maybe you are right. But think about it...every atheist out there asks, "where's God and what's He doing about the suffering in the world? " Well, simple truth is, He did something about it and that's why we are all here, alive. To help, to create, to build, to restore, to live fully. Who you are is sometimes based on what you do for a living, and that's one way to look at your life's meaning/purpose. You choose to earn a living and make money because of a need. A need to help yourself or others. But that's one way of looking at it..because your life's meaning is far greater than your work; it's only part of it.
Step 10
Don't overthink it. Your past shows you where you've come from in order to fully understand the beauty of what lies ahead. Think about it, your life began as 2 tiny cells. Look at yourself right now! Fully matured embryo :) Brace yourself for what lies ahead.
Where you are right now, that's where the real magic happens. Live in love. Love what you, do what you love, and love others. Yes, have a love fest...be happy.
What will happen in future? Leave that to God. Let Him keep guiding you, He knows why you are who you are. IN HIM YOU FIND YOURSELF.
The End.
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