Where to begin?! 2016 is here, and 2 months down the line, I feel like time is moving too fast and there's too much going on and too much that still needs to be done. It's like moving one step ahead, only to realize that you have 20 steps left. "Adulting" at its best.
I wanted to write down all the life lessons that 2016 brought with it, but like I said, I don't know where to begin! So I'll start with the highlight of my year...scratch that, I'll choose ONE of the highlights. It's made it to number 1 of my 2016 and it'll probably be at the top of my list for a long long time.One that made me realize just how sweet life can get with the right people in it, the same people who make you appreciate all the "adulting" and give you the courage to give it your best.
I have never denied my hopeless romantic side, but I usually know where to draw the line between reality and fantasy. But as I recall the events of this unforgettable night, I have to say that true love exists! The kind you dream about in fairy tales. Mine is the modern version, that began with one of those checking-up-on-you calls that my mother makes to everyone in the family, the highlight of her day. So as she laughs away with the other person on the other end of her call, my phone beeps twice. I had to cut my eavesdropping short to check my phone messages.Next thing I know, I am staring at a photo with a handwritten paper in it, with the words "YVETTE" First thing I thought to myself was "why are you sending me a picture of my name?! I know how to spell my name! what's so special about this? do you need my name for something? Huhhhhh?!!! Aren't you talking to Mama on the phone?!" I admit, I was a bit rude with my thought process but my hopes of getting a really interesting text were dashed by this random picture of my name from my sister who was at the moment talking on the phone with our mother. The next thing I hear is my mother's phone going on loudspeaker and for the next 60 seconds, I didn't care how wide my smile was! This image of my name was the undeniable truth of how true love exists. True love is when your sister who's miles away temporarily forgets to write her own name on her tag, and writes yours! Love is madness with (a flood of happiness), and that right there was a moment of insanity! Who can beat that level of random acts of love?! I dare you!
Before you drift off from my seemingly pointless love story, here's what I learnt from it: Everyone has a lot going on in their lives.Never think that anything comes easy, but always remember the ones who've made "adulting" a success, and be courageous enough to push yourself into your own kind of success. Everything takes time, progress can take a whole year....a whole decade or even a century. Above all else, always be grateful for whoever makes that progress with you, because they are the ones that make it worthwhile. Be good, do good. Say a prayer daily and God will take care of everything. HAPPY 2016!
I wanted to write down all the life lessons that 2016 brought with it, but like I said, I don't know where to begin! So I'll start with the highlight of my year...scratch that, I'll choose ONE of the highlights. It's made it to number 1 of my 2016 and it'll probably be at the top of my list for a long long time.One that made me realize just how sweet life can get with the right people in it, the same people who make you appreciate all the "adulting" and give you the courage to give it your best.

Before you drift off from my seemingly pointless love story, here's what I learnt from it: Everyone has a lot going on in their lives.Never think that anything comes easy, but always remember the ones who've made "adulting" a success, and be courageous enough to push yourself into your own kind of success. Everything takes time, progress can take a whole year....a whole decade or even a century. Above all else, always be grateful for whoever makes that progress with you, because they are the ones that make it worthwhile. Be good, do good. Say a prayer daily and God will take care of everything. HAPPY 2016!
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