The words you are about to read are in no way related to any romantic movie and bear no resemblance to it. No tissues are needed for this post, although some tears were involved before I had the idea to this post.
"In pursuit of happiness", the one movie that broke and stole my heart at the same time.An inspiring story that leaves you believing in the impossible;that you can go jump off a cliff without doubting your ability to fly,that you can make mountains move, that you can walk on water or walk through a wall!Speaking on a personal level, I love Will Smith movies (most of them) and there's a 100% chance that he made the movie one of my top ten best. But for now, I won't get into the critiquing mostly because Will was amazing and I have more important thoughts to share which came after rewatching his incredible performance.
My notebook, the one item I will always have close by.The irony of it being that it helps keep me on track and organized, yet it's filled with jumbled up plans, reminders, thoughts, weird drawings,ideas ,prayers,phone short everything relevant to my life.I can write whatever I want in it, and it'll always end up affecting my plans and eventually my life.So before I reveal my notebook/diary stories, you ought to know why I brought in the movie intro.The answer to that is the movie itself, the fact that we are all pursuing happiness irregardless of our differences as humans. We all have the same air to breathe, maybe parts of it polluted more than others but the same air.We are all HUMANS in the WORLD! Our culture, backgrounds, experiences, social class,race or creed may define the different worlds we live in, but that doesn't change the fact that we have mini WORLDS we live in, WORLDS that affect us, WORLDS that we can easily define and change by ourselves all in the pursuit of happiness. And just like my notebook, my world is filled with so many jumbled up things which will affect me, but in the end I have the power to decide what I can erase or not write into my notebook.I pursue my happiness in that world, with ideas I want and plans that I make, and leave everything to the One whose plans and ideas keep my notebook intact :)
"In pursuit of happiness", the one movie that broke and stole my heart at the same time.An inspiring story that leaves you believing in the impossible;that you can go jump off a cliff without doubting your ability to fly,that you can make mountains move, that you can walk on water or walk through a wall!Speaking on a personal level, I love Will Smith movies (most of them) and there's a 100% chance that he made the movie one of my top ten best. But for now, I won't get into the critiquing mostly because Will was amazing and I have more important thoughts to share which came after rewatching his incredible performance.
My notebook, the one item I will always have close by.The irony of it being that it helps keep me on track and organized, yet it's filled with jumbled up plans, reminders, thoughts, weird drawings,ideas ,prayers,phone short everything relevant to my life.I can write whatever I want in it, and it'll always end up affecting my plans and eventually my life.So before I reveal my notebook/diary stories, you ought to know why I brought in the movie intro.The answer to that is the movie itself, the fact that we are all pursuing happiness irregardless of our differences as humans. We all have the same air to breathe, maybe parts of it polluted more than others but the same air.We are all HUMANS in the WORLD! Our culture, backgrounds, experiences, social class,race or creed may define the different worlds we live in, but that doesn't change the fact that we have mini WORLDS we live in, WORLDS that affect us, WORLDS that we can easily define and change by ourselves all in the pursuit of happiness. And just like my notebook, my world is filled with so many jumbled up things which will affect me, but in the end I have the power to decide what I can erase or not write into my notebook.I pursue my happiness in that world, with ideas I want and plans that I make, and leave everything to the One whose plans and ideas keep my notebook intact :)

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