It’s that time of the year again when I should have so many
words to express how I truly feel about being alive. I could go all deep and
emotional about it, but this year I choose to keep it simple and, maybe a
little emotional. It’s also my first post of 2015 (I had a rough night deciding
on what to actually write) It had to be a thriller. So much for my sleepless night!
Because it all comes down to these words:

I've had beautiful moments and not so good ones too,
Made mistakes along
the way,
They came with lessons,but somehow i had my way..
They came with lessons,but somehow i had my way..
My mind,a jungle of thoughts,
With ideas that dared me to take a chance...
No regrets, just lessons..
Giving my best,even when i have no idea what am doing..
In the end,
I know it makes me who i am..
Lyrical me,
Happy 23!
With ideas that dared me to take a chance...
No regrets, just lessons..
Giving my best,even when i have no idea what am doing..
In the end,
I know it makes me who i am..
Lyrical me,
Happy 23!
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