My thoughts are like a
collage of the past, present and of course my wishful thinking, which in simple terms means the future. Every one thinks,everyone has thoughts, so there’s nothing special here but a girl writing down
her thoughts …I think a lot, and lately my thinking is in overdrive thanks to
the attention am paying to my notes while preparing for exams. I shouldn’t be
writing this blogpost ( or watching a “few” movies ) but I needed to do a bit
of offloading and it’s been a while
since I got my lyricalUmy thoughts together. Like all afternoons during exam
period, the strength to open a book and
read when you don’t have a paper the following day, needs a LOT of divine intervention, hence my brain
started to wander and I landed on this
accurate fact about my life: I HATE TAKING RISKS! I thought twice before I
wrote that down, mostly because it's one quality I wouldn’t want that
interviewing panel to know before I start sending out my CVs .But the truth of the matter is, I am one
of those people who like playing it safe, and would rather not take a chance.
Although,in my defense, I do take chances (but
not the kind to blow your mind away)
My risk phobia might not touch on
every aspect of my entire life, but when it comes to certain decisions I prefer
taking the road with less corners and sharp bends…
Yet recently, I made a
decision that will inevitably take me through that road less travelled on. I
can’t really say why I made that decision
knowing the risks involved, but for once I decided something based on
what I really wanted… choosing a good thing that will probably mean putting on
a brave face even when I have everything
to lose. It might not be one of those huge life-defining decisions, but from
where am standing, it has made me learn more about myself and at the same time
helped realize something that my father
has slowly engrained in my life… “take risks,have blind faith and hope for the
best.But always take a risk if you really want what you want!! “ keeping in mind that risks should always be calculated, SMARTLY.
Cards on the table,
I have everything to lose…
Playing my cards right,
So that I never lose
It’s easy playing it safe,
Having things work out,
Even when it’s not what you
really want.
At the end of the day
Things stay the same,
Nothing changes,
Nothing to lose…
Nothing to gain…
But what if….
If I had played my cards
If I had taken a chance to
If I had taken a chance,just
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