It's hard to forget something that turns your life upside down
,it's harder still not to wonder how life would have been like growing up in the land of
a thousand hills..Sometimes am grateful that i was too young to know the evil that
was happening during the Rwandan Genocide..then at other times i keep picturing
the lives torn apart and destroyed by the wave of tribal hate.
Its during such times
that i realize that the impact of such an atrocity is far greater than remembering
every single act committed.
My memories for the 1994 Rwandan Genocide are like a blank page slowly being filled by the stories
am told..endless accounts of nights of terror and days of struggle.Some lived to tell their stories while others had nothing but a corpse to re-tell their 100 days of horror.The one thing that has always disturbed my conscious was the question why?Why shed the blood?Why let innocent lives get tortured ?Why kill another just like you? It's like a story of the hunter versus the hunted...yet both are no different from the other.These questions might have so many answers..hatred,jealousy,malice,ignorance..but what's the point in asking why when i can choose to always stick to one idea, the idea that we are all the same,yes..i might be short or tall, dark features or light features, rich or poor..whatever the difference am human and you are human..equal in everything,deserving of the same dignity.

Each year we remember, and each year i have nothing but a grateful heart to the Almighty for those who survived .So many lost their lives, and that's what should be remembered,all else( the hatred and evil) should be forgotten.
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