If someone had asked me what global warming was, a week ago, i would have probably said something along the lines of, “it’s all
about heating up the earth and it’s a bad thing because people will die and blah blah ozone layer
blah greenhouse gases blah blah melting ice caps blah blah…” I knew what global
warming was and the science behind this famous phenomenon. But honestly, I didn't think much about it until I went through my internship orientation…long
story short, i learnt something new.I realized how easily we can ignore the consequences of our actions merely because the consequences aren't instantaneous .My re-education on global warming made me scared and guilty,
yes guilty, for all those times I let that biscuit wrapper fall to the ground
and never thought about it…for always thinking that this heating up of the
earth was never my problem but for some
environmental activist who ran around
shouting “save-the- earth slogans”.
I may be misjudged by some for not thinking
much about going green, but let’s be honest, very few people know what doomsday
lies ahead if we keep ignoring the harm we bring to world through constant pollution. Learning that we need to create a cleaner world with less carbon
emissions and renewable energy systems,at first seemed very boring .I understood global warming as an issue that was so far off beyond my life's scope , but the more i heard about it and really thought about it, i started to picture this scenario in
my head, a bit silly but it was my wake-up call:
- No more ice cream!!! That vanilla flavoured treat will melt away in a second in the sun..
- -Crazy angry polar bears will invade refridgerators looking for new homes.
- Once all the ice caps have melted and the ocean levels increase,floods will sweep through the world and I will eventually find myself swimming next to some killer shark or whale and who knows what other unfriendly sea creatures will find themselves at my doorstep!!

My imaginations are so
farfetched and unrealistic, but take a moment to think about the uncomfortable temperatures
and going hungry because of worldwide drought.(And there’s no way am going to walk naked in a heat wave!!) So, from an ignorant earthling
to my fellow earthlings: be warned, global warming is as real as the oxygen we breathe and if we don’t take care then its bye bye
earth!Global warming is a global warning!My kids deserve to see that blue sky
I so much love to gawk at and the green plants
that are simply a breathe of fresh air! It's the little things that made me see the bigger picture,so no more careless littering or ignoring what's happening to the world around me.
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