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Street Smart vs Paper Smart

The past  2 months , I have been readjusting myself to school and so far I can't complain about the series of assignments that keep coming my way because that's basically the norm.I have 2 CATs this week and am already switched to christmas-holiday mode!!But... what  good will it do me if i rant about my assignments and assessments instead of getting them done...soooo..let me skip to the dilemma that am having.
Recently I was sitting in a lecturer room  "keenly" listening  to a company rep pitch about his company, all i wanted to know was whether they were offering internships or not .I didn't care much about  how many branches they had or what new business strategies they were short, most of us showed up because we want internships that eventually lead to having a career.

My ears slowly came alive when  one of the speakers started saying that good grades don't really matter once you start looking for a job and that you can get by just by knowing your stuff, and by that i mean having practical knowledge in what you do.After a few minutes another speaker
took the stage and contradicted what the first one had said, that we had to have the papers with good grades pasted on them. At that point, the confusion in my head kicked in."Should i be in school or should i just know my stuff even without going through school"??!!!!

I feel so tempted to blame the education system, especially when you survive a paper with a little bit of crammed info stuck somewhere in the brain only to disappear a few seconds after finishing the paper.
In my humblest opinion, you can't really know your stuff and be practical when its crammed in your head( at this point i know i should stop cramming and reserve it for emergency papers only!)
I can't also say that everyone should have exemplary grades just to get by in life,Bill Gates and Steve Jobs already proved that! I say, do what you are good at and if it involves getting those good grades or hustling in the streets, then do it! As long as it makes you happy and fulfilled.Off  to read for those CATs


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