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Man Talk!! To all manly men...

“Ur father must be a terrorist,cause baby u the  bomb” lol…people have guts! This I write to any male species on planet earth, if you really care to know what  I think..then keep reading.If you don’t,then still keep reading cause you never know what I might say to help you out!
       Women are dangerous species,the kind that look pretty on the outside but inside God made them stronger and more vicious in order to handle unimaginable situations.You on the other hand, are rough on the outside and on the inside  you are   simple creatures.The difference between you and us is beyond words, and am no psychologist to try figuring it out.Since am writing this down for you,I consider myself to be behind enemy lines and will sincerely try to put something across that may or may not make you happy.

Here goes…
 I know you are visual beings,but sometimes those lustful eyes can cause a fire that’s hard to put out.Am not saying you don’t appreciate God’s beauty,am just saying get to know the angel/devil within that beautiful outer shell.You never know what lies within a person.
       You say we are sometimes boring  cause you are not talkers but doers,but let’s get real doing it ends in meaningless words like “I love you” minutes after she gives in to you.The real man, knows what he gets into before jumping into the sack,desires come and go but a real man knows the right time and  the right lady.
      You call it”no strings attached” but poor you…there is  always a hidden agenda .My species is really keen on forming bonds,that’s why we are the caring species,the mothers,the wives etc..We know what  we want and if its hooking up or FWB’s(Friends with Benefits) that will get us your attention,we give in to you.So watch out,don’t get yourself trapped by us(I told you were vicious).Maybe for you its keeping things simple,but in the real sense things will get messy and complicated,so beware and just treat a lady like a lady,not like some one minute whim!
      Lastly,if you say you want a good lady, then you gotta be the gentleman!Am not saying you start opening doors or paying each and every bill, God gave us hands and brains too!My point is, be human enough to care and respect us for who we are, everyone has their faults,male or female.We may try to change you,but that’s in our nature but don’t take it out on us,we just have a tendency to overcare!Use your wits not only to charms us,but also to correct us before we get too emotional over nothing.
Finally,To get the girl of your dreams,drop the scary and weirdly funny pickup lines,start acting like a real gentleman,and stop using us like toys!One day she will be yours!


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