Staring at a blinking cursor, wondering what to write, with so many thoughts in my head all jumbled up in this concoction of mixed feelings. It's freezing outside but this head of mine's getting overheated from the question and answer game life keeps throwing at me. "What next?" the elusive question that only God can answer but somehow deep down I know that I have the answer.After 3 years of writing/blogging my thoughts, my 99th post is simply the 99th thought that's kept me up since 5 a.m. I have stared at my phone since 5 a.m, scrolling through news feeds and all sorts of articles just to keep my thoughts at bay. I've found out about Google's new logo ( why did they change it?) and the effects of the Chinese stock market crash ( I feel smart just by writing that down), news that's shaping the world all in the hope of getting a few hours of peace as I lose myself in what's happening outside of me. After an hour of serious ne...
Thoughts are therapy. Living life, one therapeutic thought at a time.