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Showing posts from March, 2015

23...still lyrical me

It’s that time of the year again when I should have so many words to express how I truly feel about being alive. I could go all deep and emotional about it, but this year I choose to keep it simple and, maybe a little emotional. It’s also my first post of 2015 (I had a rough night deciding on what to actually write) It had to be a thriller. So much for my sleepless night! Because it all comes down to these words: There’s a lot going on, yet so little I can share with the whole world, not yet anyway.  I have a lot figured out, and at the same time things are not so clear. The only thing saving me from confusion, is knowing that am the co-captain of my own life. It’s enough to keep me calm believing God  knows best and His will never disappoints, although so hard to accept! I have so much to be grateful for, and the number one spot on my “grateful for…” list will always be my family, my heaven on earth. I can’t picture my 23 years without them, even if I tried! I could writ...