There are certain phrases that people say, and once they come out of their mouth, all you can do is stare at them in silence trying to act polite and just smile.Yet deep down, there's a strong inclination to shout out "Are you serious?" One example that slowly gets on my nerves (not always,but in most cases) is: IT'S NEVER THAT SERIOUS . I know , it's never that serious, because taking everything too seriously makes you uptight, which is not a flattering quality. What annoys me most about these 5 words, is how some people choose to use it as an excuse when things go downhill, or when trying to convince you that your opinion doesn't matter to them ( hence the annoying aspect) So my head went to work on a few words and this is what i came up with,it's very SERIOUS! Come on, it’s never that serious.. Nothing is that serious. When I lose out on what I want, "It’s never that serious.." When I get what I don’t deserve, ...
Thoughts are therapy. Living life, one therapeutic thought at a time.