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Showing posts from March, 2014

Global warNing

If someone had asked me what global warming was, a week ago, i would have probably said something along the lines of,  “it’s all about heating up the earth and it’s a bad thing because  people will die and blah blah ozone layer blah greenhouse gases blah blah melting ice caps blah blah…” I knew what global warming was and the science behind this famous phenomenon. But honestly, I  didn't  think much about it until I went through my internship orientation…long story short, i   learnt something new . I realized how easily we can ignore the consequences of our actions merely because  the consequences aren't   instantaneous   . My re-education on global warming made me  scared and  guilty, yes guilty, for all those times I let that biscuit wrapper fall to the ground and never thought about it…for always thinking that this heating up of the earth was never my problem but  for some environmental  activist who ran around shoutin...

To my dearest 22

Dearest 22, I have waited two decades  to meet you and all i can say is that I  can't wait to  live  life with you by my side.My time with you will be short and what lies in store for us only God knows, but either way  am happy to begin life with a new start  this hoping that i will learn more from you than i did with 21.She was a close friend and we went through a lot together.My intention for writing this isnt't  to make you feel jealous, but  i hope and pray that  you will be as  exciting as my sweetheart 21 was.The beauty of  meeting you today is that everything about you is still a mystery to me. I get excited knowing that i have new adventures waiting for me and that i have another year full of endless possibilities.I want to play my cards right with you, and so i will start by giving you a  sneak preview of the plans i have  in store for us and i can only pray that all will go according to plan.So wh...