I'm a sucker for motivational content. I bookmark every inspirational article or video I find online, I screenshot inspirational quotes, I have one too many Pinterest boards for quotes. In short, I have a treasure trove of inspirational content backed up for a lifetime. I think it helps,for those stuck-in-a-rut-days when you need uplifting quotes. But let's face it, what good has it done? With all that content, shouldn't I be conquering the peaks of Mt.Everest or taking down the worst terrorist known to man? Shouldn't my work or achievements be written down on the pages of the Guinness book? I should be out there making headlines or at least creating viral videos of my awe inspiring achievements. So where did I go wrong? Last night I was catching up on James Altucher podcast/blog. His posts are one of the many articles I could go a whole day re-reading, like a mantra for the day. Usually, I pick up a few phrases or sentences that speak to me and like a powerful Bib...
Thoughts are therapy. Living life, one therapeutic thought at a time.