" Thinking out of the box, thinking like there's no box "..who cares????? example of wise words that I have ignored a thousand times simply because they are money-making ideas for inspirational gurus fixed on creating bestselling mantras.They give you that "i-can-do-anything" willpower which slowly fades into a "maybe-i-can't-do-that" motto. I am not writing this down to discredit these wise adages or worse still, to count the number of times i have ignored these words .But am writing this because i had the most unusual wake-up call,from one of these bestselling jingles "Think outside the box" Let's hit rewind and go back to a few weeks ago...it was back to class and that feeling of "am-not-ready-for-school" was nagging at me.3 months of internship,and a week to rest( which was recuperation period from tonsils), and now back to school with a project proposal due in a week.Complaining is so easy when you have the ...
Thoughts are therapy. Living life, one therapeutic thought at a time.